Historic Stations The earliest winter scientific station established in the Antarctic was in 1883 as part of the International Polar Year (IPY) of 1883. Subsequently, to the IPY of 2007-2009, scientific stations have been deployed on 139 sites (103 on the Antarctic continent, 36 on peri-Antarctic islands), by 24 countries for a cumulative total of 2666 winters to that of 2008. NOTE: Points may appear outside of sensible locations (i.e. in the ocean) due to low lat/long coordinate precision in the original records. Headland, R. K. (2009). Antarctic winter scientific stations to the International Polar Year, 2007–2009. Polar Record, 45(1), 9-24. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/polar-record/article/antarctic-winter-scientific-stations-to-the-international-polar-year-20072009/EBCA86062D208279F93591D159749479 Downloaded 4 July 2017RREditor Editor Social Science Jean de Pomereu jean@jeandepomereu.com Author Bob Headland rkh10@cam.ac.uk