Data downloaded from Bedmap2 datasets and subsidiary saved onto weblink 5th March 2013 there are four zip files, one for each data type; tiffs, ESRI geodatabase, ASCII and BIN. Each of the zip files contains a folder with nine files. 1. Bedmap2_bed is the bed data (the ice rock interface) 2. Bedmap2_surface is the surface height dataset 3. Bedmap2_thickness is the ice thickness dataset 4. Bedmap2_icemask_grounded_and_shelves is a mask file containing informatuion on the grounding line and extent of the ice thickness dataset 5. Bedmap2_rockmask is a mask file showing the rock outcrop 6. Bedmap2_Lakemask_vostok is a mask file showing the lake cavity of lake vostok 7. bm2_bed_bed_uncertainty_grid_grounded_1km is the bed uncertainty grid shown in figure 12 of the manuscript 8. bm2_thickness_uncertainty_grid_5km is the uncertainty grid shown in figure 11 of the manuscript 9. Coverage_final is a 1km binary grid of showing which (grounded) grid cells in the model contain radio echo sounding of seismic data each dataset is projected in Antarctic polar stereographic projection, latitude of true scale -71 degrees south, spheriod WGS1984